Terms and Conditions

VisA On-line is a free questionnaire completed on our website. It has been designed by VisAustralia to provide you with a preliminary assessment of your ability to satisfy the visa criteria for skilled migration to Australia based on criteria set out in the Migration Regulations 1994.

The Australian Migration Consortium grants you a limited license to access and make personal use of this website for the purposes of identifying your ability to apply for an Australian visa to study, work or migrate to Australia and to purchase professional services from the Australian Migration Consortium.

Disclaimer of Warranties and Limitation of Liability

While the Australian Migration Consortium makes every effort to ensure VisA On-line is legally accurate you should not rely on your VisA On-line results alone as a true indication of your ability to migrate.

If you wish to obtain a full assessment of your eligibility for migration we invite you to complete a Legal Assessment with a VisAustralia lawyer.

Privacy Policy

To help us provide you with the best service possible we need basic information from you.

We will use this information to confirm your VisA On-line results and send you information about Australia and its migration system. We will not disclose personal information, such as your name, e-mail address, age, occupation etc, without your permission unless for the purpose of providing you with visa related information or as otherwise required by law.

The Australian Migration Consortium is committed to protecting the privacy of our clients and website visitors.

When does the Australian Migration Consortium collect personal information?

The Australian Migration Consortium only collects personal information that you provide directly, for example when you send the Australian Migration Consortium an e-mail or you give the Australian Migration Consortium personal information when using a particular part of the website. The Australian Migration Consortium will ask you when it needs you to provide further personal information for any reason. The Australian Migration Consortium will only collect further personal information that is related to the services that you ask the Australian Migration Consortium to provide to you.

Why does the Australian Migration Consortium collect personal information?

VisAustralia collects personal information to provide you with professional advice about your rights under the Australian migration system.

How will the the Australian Migration Consortium use the personal information it has collected?

The Australian Migration Consortium may use your e-mail address or other contact details to provide you with the information that you have requested, respond to your feedback, confirm receipt of emails you have sent to the Australian Migration Consortium, and if the Australian Migration Consortium needs to contact you for any reason, for example, to ensure that the personal information it has collected about you is accurate and up to date, to so contact you.


You can elect to discontinue receiving correspondence from the Australian Migration Consortium by clicking on “Unsubscribe” in any the Australian Migration Consortium email or notice.

Security of Electronic Transmissions

The Australian Migration Consortium has implemented technology and security measures and policies to protect personal information you may transmit to the website. However, while the Australian Migration Consortium makes all attempts to secure the information you may transmit to the website, the nature of electronic transmissions is such that there is a possibility that a third party may observe this information whilst it is in transit.

To access VisA On-line

Access to VisA On-line and the purchase of any service from the Australian Migration Consortium through this website is conditional upon you accepting these terms and conditions.

To agree to these terms and conditions and start VisA On-line click “I Agree”.

VisAustralia is a migration agency that specialises in assisting people migrate to Australia. Our migration agents are registered with the Australian Government and are authorised to provide legal advice in relation to your migration options.
