Jun 24, 2022

New occupations added to the ACT Critical Skill List

The ACT Critical Skills List identifies the occupations currently in demand in Canberra in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT). The ACT Government updated its Critical Skills List on 24 June 2022. The update adds 95 new occupations to the List reflecting the genuine shortage of skilled workers in the national capital. The list has a minor update in July.

When updating the List, the ACT Government reviewed a variety of metrics including job openings, employment levels, expected employment growth and retirement by occupation, and feedback from industry and stakeholders. There are real shortages and real jobs in these areas.

This List will not change over the next 12 months.

If your occupation is on the List you may be able to migrate directly to Canberra from your home country. We encourage you to review the List, and if your occupation is there, to contact us immediately.

Some occupations added to the List

  • Industrial, Mechanical and Production Engineers.
  • Multimedia designer (491 only)
  • Surveyors and Spatial Scientists.
  • Marketing specialist.
  • Recruitment consultant.
  • Financial institution branch manager (491 only).
  • Cinema or theater manager (491 only).
  • Post office manager (491 only).
  • Hotel and Motel Managers.
  • Health and Welfare Services Managers.

Occupations removed from the List

  • Air conditioning and Refrigeration Mechanics.
  • Insurance Investigators, Loss Adjusters and Risk Surveyors.
  • Call or Contact Centre Manager (491 Only)

ACT Critical Skills list 2022 – July update

To see all occupations on the List scroll down using the arrows in the top left corner of the chart.


Critical Skills List July 2022


The ACT Critical Skills List was last updated on 12 July 2022.

Source: https://www.act.gov.au/migration/skilled-migrants/act-critical-skills-list
